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Carpet Cleaning and Stretching: Two Peas In A Pod

When it comes to your carpet, you want to do what you can to keep it looking amazing for as long as possible. It’s not cheap to get your carpeting replaced, but it can be cost-effective to have a  carpet cleaner in Raleigh come in and make your carpet look like new. At the same time, they can do both carpet cleaning and  stretching.

Which Carpet Repair Service Might The Professionals From ProGreen Carpet Do First?

If you’re thinking about having carpet stretching done to smooth any wrinkles and having it cleaned to get rid of stains,  you may be wondering which process will be done first. Many believe that it should be cleaned first and then stretched. They think that if the carpet is cleaned after being stretched, this will make the wrinkles return. But this isn’t the case.

Wrinkles and waves show up in your carpet when traffic and use has pulled it off the tack strips that normally keep it in place. You may also notice gaps at the edges of the room. These rises can turn into a trip hazard, and if they are allowed to sit for long enough, they will create visible lines in your carpet. Once your carpet has been restretched, these often become more visible.

It can be exceedingly difficult to clean carpet that is full of rises and waves. It will often bunch and gather, making it challenging for the equipment to travel over the top. If you’ve tried to vacuum over these areas, you know how difficult this is. The wrinkles and ripples may also prevent the carpet from getting a deep cleaning.

Thus, it’s much easier to clean the carpets after they have been stretched. This will give the carpet cleaner a flat surface to work with, as well as get rid of the creases and lines that have developed over time.

Ultimately Leaving You Very Happy With Your Decision To Call ProGreen Carpet For Carpet Cleaning And Stretching

What Are the Benefits Of Carpet Cleaning And Stretching?

If you’re considering getting your carpet cleaned and restretched, this is a great way to give it new life. This process can make your carpets look brand new, and it will make them safer to travel over. No longer will the waves and rises be tripping hazards. In addition, the tack strips that may have been exposed will once again get covered, reducing the chances of stepping on a sharp object and injuring yourself.

The cleaning will also bring out the color of your carpet. Dirt and grime can collect in the creases, making it dull. When a Burlington carpet cleaner comes in, they’ll have the tools and cleaners to get rid of these elements. Once the entire process is finished, you may be surprised at how good your carpet looks.

Should You Do This Job Yourself?

Or Call The Professionals At ProGreen Carpet to Help with Carpet Cleaning and Stretching

Serving Burlington

& The Raleigh Durham Triangle Area?

Having professionals take on the task of carpet cleaning and carpet stretching is your best option. They’ll have the right tools to get the job done correctly and efficiently. It may seem like pulling carpet isn’t a big deal, but it takes quite a bit of strength and manipulation. Since this is something carpet professionals do often, they have the skills and ability to do it right.

When it comes to carpet cleaning and stretching, a professional often has numerous cleaning products and tools in their arsenal. This is beneficial when it comes to removing stains in your carpet. Having them take on both of these tasks will ensure that your carpet is taken care of properly and will be well worth the investment. You also won’t have to worry about the wrinkles returning if they have done the stretching and cleaning correctly.

Not All Professionals Are Created Equal in Carpet Cleaning and Stretching

If you need both carpet cleaning and stretching done, you’ll have to find a professional who does both. Some only focus on cleaning your floors. You’ve invested a lot in your carpet, so you want to do what you can to ensure that it looks good and lasts for a long time. Over time, dirt and debris will build up in the fibers and it will pull away from the tack strips. When that happens, you need a professional to get it back into place and remove the grime. This will extend the life of your carpet and leave them looking good.

Contact Us for Carpet Cleaning and Stretching

If you want to restore the look of your carpet and achieve a like-new appearance, we can help you do it. For more information about carpet cleaning and stretching, contact us today. In addition to serving Raleigh, we also provide carpet cleaning in Durham along with our other services. To learn more, give us a call at 919-332-3039 or fill out our contact form to get started!

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