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Durham Carpet Stretching & Carpet Repair: Prep Your Carpet For The Winter

Durham Carpet Stretching – Fall is practically in full swing with shorter days, cooler weather, and the leaves changing color. This can be an incredibly magical and amazing time of the year. However, it also means that winter will soon be here. Now is the best time to get your carpet ready. Including having Durham carpet stretching or carpet repair done.

Since you and your family will be spending a lot more time indoors, when the weather gets cold, you’ll want to make sure the space is warm and inviting. Below are the things you can do to make sure your carpet is winter-ready.

Get it Cleaned

Fall storms can be challenging. It’s not quite cold enough for the rain to be snow, which means that when it rains, it creates a lot of mud. No doubt, your family (or your pets) have brought that into the house with them. Before winter gets here, it’s a good idea to get this cleaned out of your house. Also, call a professional carpet cleaner in Durham to do the job right.

Not only will it allow your carpets to look good, but you can lounge on the floor in front of the fire or to watch TV when it’s dark and cold outside. Once the ground freezes, this will be less of an issue.

Have Durham Carpet Stretching Done

In addition to having your carpets cleaned, you should also make sure that they are stretched properly. This will get rid of any ripples or waves you might see in the surface and keep it safe for people to walk on. Not only does winter keep people inside more often, but there are also many holidays that occur during this time. If you are planning on having guests, you want to make sure they won’t trip, so now is a good time for Durham carpet stretching.

Have Durham Carpet Stretching and Repair Done

While the Durham carpet stretching professionals are restretching your carpet, you can also have them check for any other damage and repair it. Things such as tears, burns, or snags could be taken care of during this time. Again, this will ensure that your space looks good, but carpet repairs will also reduce any tripping hazards.

Once You’ve Gotten Your Carpet All The Stretching, Repairing, & Cleaning It Requires….. Consider Adding A Few Area Rugs

To help keep your carpets looking good and protect them from fall weather, you might consider putting down some area rugs. These will collect any moisture, mud, or other debris that gets tracked in on people’s shoes. Rugs are much easier to pick up and clean, so this can help preserve your clean carpets throughout winter.

If you are planning on having a lot of guests over for the holidays, area rugs can also reduce the damage that might occur as people trample across your carpet. They can help keep your carpets looking like new for longer. However, if spills or trampling do occur during a party, you can call in professionals to help with Durham carpet stretching, repair, & cleaning to fix the problem.

Schedule Routine Cleaning and Durham Carpet Stretching

After you have had your carpets cleaned, stretched, and repaired, you’ll want to keep up with your routine carpet cleaning. This includes vacuuming on a regular basis and doing any spot cleaning that might occur.

Since it’s possible that some mud may still get into your home because the ground isn’t frozen yet, getting it cleaned up as soon as possible will keep your carpets looking good. The most important part of this process is to ensure that you let the mud dry before you try to remove it.

If you try to vacuum wet mud out of your carpet, this may spread it to a larger area and make a bigger mess. You might consider putting down some old towels to soak up some of the moisture and allow it to dry faster. You might also consider putting a fan over it to help it dry. When it dries, it will be much easier to remove.

If other spills occur, such as food or drinks, getting these cleaned up as soon as possible is also beneficial. For beverages, you’ll want to blot this. Again, take a dry towel and place it over the spill. This can also work for food, but you’ll need to remove the large chunks.

You may ask your professional cleaner when they come to clean your carpet if they have any spot cleaner that they recommend. This can make clean-up a breeze and prevent any stains from forming in your wall-to-wall carpet or even area rugs.

Contact ProGreen Carpet to Get Your Home Ready for Winter

Make sure your home is clean, fresh, and healthy for winter. In addition to Durham carpet stretching, we also provide carpet cleaning in Raleigh along with our other services. To schedule service, give us a call at 919-332-3039 or fill out our contact form to get started!


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